Natural Environment Group Meetings
The Natural Environment Group (NEG) meets biannually in spring and autumn. The Solent Forum office hosts and prepares the meeting papers. The group will next meet on 23 April 2025 via MS Teams.
Meeting on 20 November 2024
- Meeting Notes
- Paper 1 SEMS Actions for NEG
- Paper 3 Update on NEG Funded Projects for 2024/5
- Noise Disturbance – Baseline Noise Level Monitoring in the Solent - Najwa Adnan-Smith (Tetra Tech)
- Occurrence and Distribution of Microplastics in the Mudflat Sediments of the Medina Estuary, Isle of Wight - Liberty Turrell, University of Manchester
- LIFE ReMEDIES Overview - Caitlin Napleton, Natural England
- LIFE ReMEDIES Recreational Surveys - Tim Ferrero, Hants and Wight Wildlife Trust
Meeting on 24 April 2024
- Intertidal Seagrass Restoration in the Solent - Fathom Ecology
- Osborne Bay Voluntary No Anchor Zone - Natural England
- Mapping of Seafloor Debris in Intertidal of Solent Maritime SAC – APEM Ltd
- Blue Marine Foundation Seagrass Policy Report - Blue Marine Foundation
Chat Links:
- Watersports with Wildlife - Bird Aware Solent
- Info on recreational fisheries - Solentems - Fishing (incl. shellfisheries)
- Coastal imagery on the coastal monitoring programme - National Coastal Monitoring - Map Viewer & Data Catalogue
- D-Day action on Lepe Beach immortalised in 3D | Wessex Archaeology
Meeting on 1 November 2023
- Meeting Notes
- It’s the water quality stupid! Id risks to support successful restoration in the Solent – Gordon Watson, University of Portsmouth
- NE marine natural capital ecosystem assessment - James McClelland, Natural England
- Solent Biosecurity Planning
- Life on the Edge Capital Works for Seabirds - Wez Smith, RSPB
Meeting on 26 April 2023
- Notes of the Meeting
- Agenda
- Paper 1: Update on SEMS actions attributed to NEG
- Paper 2: Bird Aware Solent five year review
Passive saltmarsh restoration trial, Bursledon (You Tube video)
Watersports with Wildlife: Reducing Disturbance to Coastal Birds, Bird Aware Solent
Meeting on 2 November 2022
- Agenda
- Paper 1: SEMS Actions for NEG 2022-23 progress updates for Nov 22
- Paper 2: Microplastics discussion paper
- Presentation: Lymington trials and new techniques for restoring saltmarsh using beneficial use of dredgings, Colin Scott, ABPmer
- Meeting Notes
Meeting on 27 April 2022
- Agenda
- Paper 1 Update on SEMS actions for NEG
- Paper 2 Finance - on request
- NEG Project Bursary Update
- Chichester Harbour Paddlesport Survey
- Tackling the microplastic pollution – testing a new bio-composite material as artificial filtration device, in Chichester Harbour
- RaNTrans - Rapid reduction of Nutrients in Transitional waters
- England Coast Path Update - Solent stretches
Meeting on 17 November 2021
- Agenda
- SEMS Actions for NEG
- Solent Bird Sensitivity Mapping
- Paper 3 Finance (on request)
Minutes of Meeting
- Presentation by Dr Gordon Watson, University of Portsmouth on Bait Collection and Hand Gathering.
- University of Portsmouth - Deimos Space UK Sediment Disturbance Project
- A Historical Investigation of Solent Saltmarsh as Key Coastal Nursery Habitat Areas - Dominic Parry, University of Portsmouth
TTNE_Solent_Baseline_Noise_Monitoring.pdf |